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Our teachers can help you prepare for ballroom dance competitions (Latin, ballroom, or club styles are available). Competing is a great way to show off the skills you've learned and test yourself against other dancers.


  • Pro-Am (Professional/Amateur): Dance as an amateur student together with your professional dance instructor. This is a great way to get started in competitions, because your professional partner will not only train and prepare you in advance (teaching you appropriate competition choreography to perform and focusing on your improving technique, styling, and performance), but they'll also be available to coach you through the day of the competition.

  • Am-Am (Amateur/Amateur): Dance together with a fellow amateur student. This is the most economical option for students on a budget. Don't have your own dance partner but interested in competing in this style? Just ask us, and we're happy to help pair you up with another student sharing your goals. Your private lesson instructor will still be able to provide you and your partner with appropriate choreography for your level and prepare you to compete in your regular private lessons.

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Before & After

One of the reasons we encourage our students to try competing at least once is because it helps you keep a record of your progress and improvement over time.

Here's an example of our student Sarah and her professional partner at her first competition in 2019, versus one of her latest competitions in 2022.


Before (Left Photo):
Sarah & Yuriy, October 2019

After (Right Photo):
Sarah & Yuriy, February 2022

Photos from Past Competitions

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